How to Outsource Your Everyday Life during Travel

Relaxation - Picture by Pura Botanica

Our today’s life is submerged with plenty of smalls but time-consuming tasks that we persistently keep in mind, especially when traveling. It becomes more and more important to delegate in order to fully disconnect from your everyday life during holidays, just enjoying the good time and resting your mind.

Imagine yourself flying First Class to the most beautiful locations in the world, staying in luxury resorts and having your every whim catered to without thinking one minute about your daily usual businesses. Now imagine this isn’t just a dream – this is how you travel. For a lot of us, this sounds like pure fantasy. How could you possibly treat yourself to high-end luxury holidays so often when you have so much to take care of at home? How could you even enjoy your holidays while keeping on top of your daily tasks? The answer is simple: outsourcing.

Take care of domestic tasks

Who will take care of your home for you? Taking in the mail, watering plants, emptying the bins and checking on your home security – all of these tasks need handled.

Household service - Picture by Airtasker

Outsource your life with household service – Credit

The best way to rid yourself of this burden is by using a site like Airtasker or TaskRabbit to hire responsible and reliable house sitters to check in on your property for you. Even when you are not on holiday, look for ways to outsource your life regarding household task to free you up to do what you love.

Get a pet sitter

Think you can’t go on holiday because you have no one to take care of your pets? Can’t bear the thought of leaving your dog at a kennel? This doesn’t mean you can’t go on holiday! Advertise online for a pet sitter to come and take care of your pets.

Pet sitter - Picture by

Outsource your life with pet sitter – Credit

Sites such as Holidog and Trusted House Sitters are excellent resources for finding reliable, local service providers to help you out – just make sure you thoroughly vet your candidates!  There are also websites and apps you can use to find dog walkers to make sure your pet is getting enough exercise and fresh air while you’re on holiday.

Take care of your laundry

Another concern you might have is your laundry. It quickly builds up if you don’t keep on top of it and there’s nothing worse than coming home from holiday to laundry, especially if you need your work clothes ready to be worn the net day!

Luxury dry cleaning

Outsource your life with luxury dry cleaning

Instead, you can have your dry cleaning picked up from your home before you go away and then delivered clean and pressed when you return so you don’t have to face it when you get home! Melbourne-based dry cleaning company, Master Dry Cleaners will pick up and return your weekly washing and dry cleaning needs and there’s services just like this all around the globe that you can take advantage of.

Come back & enjoy a luxury shopping selection

Is the thought of facing the crowds to buy your holiday wardrobe enough to put you off? Then use a professional clothier or personal shopping service.Most of luxury shopping malls offer this kind of service to local rich, like Harbour City in Hong Kong, Galeries Lafayette in Paris or Barneys in New York.

Personal Shopping service - Picture by Ritz-Carlton

Outsource your life with personal shopping service – Credit

They can bring you a selection of clothes for you try on after your holidays and purchase from the comfort of your own home, saving you hours of time!

Use a concierge to organize the overall

Using a luxury concierge service is the ultimate way to outsource your life during travel, directly inspired from super-rich state of mind. After a detailed review of your needs, they will manage everything directly – or call entrusted contractors – providing a five-star service to make your life easier.

Luxury concierge - Picture by

Luxury concierge – Credit

The strong advantage for you is the single point of contact, instead of handling each service provider. A startup like MYConcierge or the world famous Quintessentially have a long list of custom services, from classical – as previously listed – to the most crazy and expensive ones. Only sky is the limit!

Use your free time wisely!

By now you’ll have greatly reduced your workload and the stresses of day-to-day life. The only task you’ll be left to deal with is enjoying your luxury holidays! Will you be sunning it up in Thailand, shopping in New York or skiing down the Swiss Alps?

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