Honey facial temptation at Six Senses Paris

Honey facial temptation at Six Senses Paris
Place Vendôme is a very famous parisian location where you can find the finest worldwide jewelry and watchmaking brands, as well as some stunning luxury hotels. But hidden at the corner of Rue de Castiglione, another unique property awaits you: the Six Senses Spa Paris.

Need to make a break and get away from the city stress ? Welcome in a cocoon of calm and relaxation with peaceful alcoves and natural Spa treatments.

Six Senses Paris - Entrance

Six Senses Paris – Entrance

When you pass through the entrance you can’t avoid the vertical living garden by Patrick Blanc, probably the best introduction to Six Senses atmosphere and philosophy : helping people reconnect with themselves, others and be in tune with the world around them. Then you go down the stairs and you finally arrive to the underground scenery by Pierre David: some huge wooden cocoons – like bird’s nests – for treatment with large windows overlooking a wall where a live Paris video is projected. What a magical decor, especially in the evening with the projection of the Paris’ lights and the gliterring Eiffel Tower !

Six Senses Paris - Lounge

Six Senses Paris – Lounge

Of course, we couldn’t complete our visit without experimenting a treatment ; and we decided to choose a Six Senses Paris signature, the 50-minute “Rooftops of Paris” honey facial. It consists of three main steps: the therapist started with a lemon and yogurt skin cleansing, then she deeply cleaned with an almonds and honey scrub to finally put a cucumber mask. While the honey antioxidants were acting, she made a fantastic scalp massage which was sooooo… relaxing. Until the end it was a surprising moment with unusual flavors and unexpected touch sensation thanks to honey, almonds, lemon, cucumber and fresh yogurt. What an experience !

The Six Senses rue de Castiglione opened in 2009 and is composed of two dual and four single treatment rooms. We reviewed the “Rooftops of Paris” honey facial which is a 50-minute facial treatment at a standard rate of 145 euros.


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