4 Ways To Pamper Your Pet This Winter

4 Ways To Pamper Your Pet This Winter

Winter can be hard for any of us. This winter in particular is expected to be harder than most in recent memory. Everyone can do with a little pampering and luxury as the colder months close in – and your pet is no exception!

We recently highlighted how to threat a pet with a luxury lifestyle. Now, let’s see 4 ways that you can pamper your pet this winter.  

Have Them Professionally Groomed 

This one has great benefits for both pet and owner. Your pet will feel better after some much needed TLC to ensure that there are no snags or mattes in his fur. This is particularly beneficial for long-haired pets that often have restricted vision or a tendency to get burrs and thorns stuck in their long coats and paws.

Having your dog or cat groomed professionally regularly will also protect your carpet and furniture from shedding animal hair, so it really is a win-win. Particularly over winter where it’s more likely that your pet will encounter the outside world and come home covered in winter debris and dirt!

Get Some Interesting New Toys

Keep your little one interested and make sure that he doesn’t get too bored with old toys. Rotating his toys every few weeks means that he will stay engaged with his toys and will also make them last longer. Every time you rotate his current toys you could try adding a new one into the mix, perhaps to replace an older toy that’s falling apart.

You don’t want to overstimulate your pet either; this is another benefit of rotating out their toys. It can be tempting to buy him all the toys that catch your eye but try to resist that. Giving him a small number of toys at a time is the best way to treat your little monster.

Give Them The Best Food

You should always give your loved puppy the best when it comes to food. Just as you wouldn’t want the same meal over and over again it can be a great idea to change up your dog’s or cat’s food regularly.

Just like you, your pet should be eating the very best quality food out there. Raw dog food in the UK is rapidly growing in popularity thanks to its numerous health benefits and variety. Raw food like you get from Bella and Duke combines quality ingredients with all the nutrients needed.

Spend Quality Time Together

There’s no better way to pamper your pet than by showing him love and affection. This is, of course, something you should aim to do frequently but it can provide some much needed comfort and bonding time for both of you this winter.

While at home make sure to dedicate some time to stroking and just being with your pet. Take your four-legged friend out on new and interesting walks and make sure to interact with him as you do, playing fetch or simply talking to him or her. Just play hide and seek, either with treats or with yourself to keep your pet’s brain engaged.

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