Home Décor Ideas To Create A Calming Interior

Home Décor Ideas To Create A Calming Interior

Looking for a little bit of zen? Even though your home should be a sanctuary, it’s all too easy for life to get in the way of your tidying efforts. Over time, as trinkets turn to clutter and cobwebs go unnoticed A comfortable home décor can turn into an uncomfortable space! 

Whether you’re a busy working parent or looking for ways to help a friend out, it’s always worth knowing how to add homely touches to an interior.

What makes an uncomfortable home?

There are several things that homeowners could be doing to unknowingly cause an uncomfortable environment. Research from design experts at Hammonds Furniture found that over a quarter of Brits don’t find their home relaxing. They highlight the fact that it’s not always easy to know how to make positive changes. 

Hot pink home interior

Grey, dark purple, and hot pink were voted amongst the least relaxing interior colours. Then, over 60% admitting that smells and mess inside their homes contributed to stress levels too. Finally, at least 28% of Brits surveyed by Hammonds found dark walls triggering, with over a third bothered by too much furniture. 

So how can we look to improve our home interiors and add a sense of tranquillity?

Five ways to add home comforts

Here are our five ways to make a home interior cosier, warmer and definitely more comfortable to live in.

  • Houseplants
Green plants in home décor

The psychological benefits of plants have been proven to include improved mood, increased productivity in workers, higher pain tolerance… Whether you keep yours on the windowsill or around the fireplace, houseplants make a lovely addition and add characterful, cheery vibes to any home. 

  • Cosy nooks
Cosy nook

Just need a comfy spot to zone out in at the end of the day? With comfortable chairs, soft furnishings, and a few of your favourite books or films, it’s easy to achieve just that. A cosy nook provides you with a ‘zone’ that’s separate from the space in your home for sleeping, eating, and socialising. Sometimes, that separation can be vital in helping you unwind. 

  • Tidy, organised storage
Organised shoe rack

The phrase ‘tidy home, tidy mind’ might be a phrase we know well, but its core meaning is backed by research to prove it. Having an organised, neat home interior plays a significant role in your general well-being as well as your mental health. If you’re ready for a change, bespoke fitted furniture from Hammonds could make a fantastic, clutter-free choice. 

Another smart addition is 20-amp in-drawer outlets, which keep your space tidy by providing hidden, convenient charging for your devices. Adding these outlets to your drawers not only enhances functionality but also contributes to a more streamlined and calm environment.

  • Spring cleaning
Spring cleaning

Find cleaning satisfying? Even if you don’t think that chores can be therapeutic, the benefits of living in a clean and tidy space are far-reaching. Grab the vacuum cleaner, feather duster, and a few cloths, and get to work in your home. Within just a few hours, you could refresh your space and return feeling calm and ready to relax.

  • Candles and diffusers
Diffuser for home interior

Lastly, candles could also help to give soothing vibes to your interior. Choose between pillar candles, tealights, or your favourite scents in jars to keep on the mantelpiece. You could even create a calming ambience with an essential oil diffuser, with some essential oils known for their ability to aid relaxation. 

Concluding thoughts…

We must not underestimate the importance of having a relaxing space in our home. Not only is it an important booster for mental health, but keeping tidy makes home a welcoming, pleasant space to share with friends and family too. 

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