How Luxury Retail Can Leverage The Power Of Google Bard AI

How Luxury Retail Can Leverage The Power Of Google Bard AI

Google Bard is an AI-powered chatbot that uses machine learning and natural language processing to mimic human interactions. Bard can be implemented into websites, messaging services, or applications to answer user inquiries in a realistic, natural language manner and enhance Google search. For instance, casino online are widely using these bards to answer the frequent queries...

Google Bard uses data from the internet to deliver accurate, up-to-date, and user-friendly responses of the highest caliber. It combines machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to offer users these excellent yet realistic responses.

Google logo

In addition to offering it to businesses for automated help and other jobs that may be accomplished with human-like interaction, Google Bard plans to enhance it into Google’s search capabilities. Bing already uses ChatGPT on their website, making it possible to search, browse, and communicate more effectively in one place. And this is precisely where it exists a bridge with the luxury industry

When did Google reveal Bard?

Bard was introduced in a statement from Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai in February 2023. “

The revolution Google Bard AI

Even though Google’s Linguistic Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), unveiled two years ago, powers Bard, the AI (Artificial Intelligence) conversation service, even though Bard was a completely novel idea at its announcement.

Specifications of Google Bard AI

Technically, chatbots can’t hold conversations like people. Still, they often give the impression that they can by building a variety of digital text that may be used in almost any situation. With almost any subject that is presented to it, Google’s chatbot tries to accomplish that by:

  • aiming to show the fusion of strength, intelligence, and creativity
  • gathering data from online comments and customer feedback
  • gathering recommendations to advance the AI system in the future

What are the potential benefits for Luxury Retail ?

The benefits for luxury industry are multiple. This is just the beginning of the Artificial Intelligence revolution, but even the newborn tools like Google Bard can already be a great help for luxury brands. A new term is rising for this : Smart Retail.

A brand like Dior can leverage the power of Google Bard

Available 24/7, such an AI tool can answer all client requests online, even offline in a store with the appropriate device… And all in a very nice and human-like way. For a primary touchpoint with a brand, that’s awesome. Then of course, a proper client service – by phone or email – still need to be there as secondary touchpoint, to handle specific cases.

AI search engine and communication

Moreover, the way we send mass communication (like newsletter) can be much more efficient, with dedicated copy for each contact. Imagine receiving an email with a message really tailor made depending on your purchase behavior and preferences, without asking a Sales Associate to do it… Save lot of time and money, and it’s there !

Personal shopping selection by AI

Finally for shopping services, Google Bard can be an extraordinary tool to handle requests immediately and in a very precise way. Even if a client/prospect uses approximative words, the tool will understand the purpose of the question and will answer it as expected. This is the power of an advanced search engine tool with embedded AI.

Using Google Bard

Google Bard is presently only accessible to a few beta testers as of this writing. Nonetheless, there are plans to increase accessibility soon. You can use Google Bard if you are one of these beta testers by opening your Google app, tapping the chatbot icon, and initiating a discussion or submitting a request. Google wants to improve Bard’s precision, caliber, and speed during this time.

Google Bard and ChatGPT

ChatGPT vs Google Bard
  • Both Google Bard and OpenAI’s ChatGPT are AI chatbots, which means they were created for human interaction using machine learning and natural language models. Both use a machine learning model called a large language model (LLM) for generating and constructing conversational text. But that is the extent of their commonalities.
  • With the help of generative AI, ChatGPT can create creative content. Users may, for instance, ask it to create a thesis on AI’s benefits. Google Bard has a distinct purpose because it aims to make searches more practical and natural.
  • Searches can also be made more specific with ChatGPT. Microsoft and OpenAI reportedly agreed to a $10 billion deal in January to license ChatGPT and embed it into the Bing search engine to offer more conversational search results similar to Google Bard. Unlike Bard, which is designed to support just Google, this allows for the licensing of ChatGPT by other search engines.
  • One of the main differences between the two is that Google Bard’s responses will be based on current, up-to-date data, but ChatGPT’s responses will be based on data available up to 2021. ChatGPT must be able to respond to queries with current information rather than information that is two years old if it is to be a successful search engine technology.
  • OpenAI provides a plagiarism detection tool for instructors so they may catch students utilizing ChatGPT for homework projects. OpenAI is aware of the possibility of plagiarism with ChatGPT. There is no information on whether Google Bard has a plagiarism detection program.


A Google Bard-powered automated assistant can comprehend natural language inquiries, follow up with questions if necessary, and offer appropriate responses. For luxury market, it means it can be a fantastic tool for care services, personalized communication or even personal shopping. A new world is coming !

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